Tag Archives: computer science

Basic Logical Expressions and Curly Brackets in R – Baiting

In the past two weeks, I went through more tutorials and learned how to select, sort, and rank columns in a matrix or a data frame. However, I am more thrilled to talk about the “if-else” logic expression as I noticed something strange while trying out myself. If you are interested in studying this topic yourself, you may find this edx video tutorial and this website to be helpful. They are both free.

The first thing I entered was:

Code 1

This is the simplest “if-else” expression. The first line means set “a” as a variable and a = 2. The third to the fifth line is the logic expression. If “a” doesn’t equal to 0 (in R, “!=” means “≠”), the output would be 1/a. Otherwise (if a = 0), the output should be “FALSE”. This is what happens when we run these lines.

Output 1

Obviously, the logic works. We have a = 2, so a ≠ 0. This matches with the condition that the result = 1/a = 1/2 = 0.5. However, if we start “else” in a new line, then something strange will happen.

Code 2

When we start “else” in a new line, the R Studio says there is an error. If we run the codes, R Console would show the following:

Output 2

This triggers my curiosity, since this is the only time that starting a new line would lead to different results. Let me explain it quickly using another example.

Code 3

In R, the two sections in Code 3 mean exactly the same thing. The only difference is the first section occupies 1 line while the second section occupies 4. They both mean read the document “oasis_cross-sectional.csv” as a data frame and name the data frame as “A”. This example is not an exception. In fact, starting codes from a new line work in most expressions I learned. However, it doesn’t work in the “if-else” expression. To figure out the answer, I did some research on the curly bracket “{” and “}” in R.

According to “R in a Nutshell, 2nd Edition” by Joseph Adler, curly brackets (braces) are “used to evaluate a series of expression” or “used to group a set of operations in the body of a function” (Adler). This hints that the curly brackets only work when there is another corresponding expression, like “if-else. ” If there is no such expressions, curly brackets would have no effects.

Why this matters? Obviously, curly brackets only work when you have pairs of heads and tails. The computer only reads the statement in between. Here is an example:

Code 4
Code 5

If you compare Code 4 and Code 5, you would notice Code 4 is missing the tail curly bracket ( } ). So, your computer would read Code 4 as a bunch of characters and Code 5 as a statement.

Again, curly brackets need to work with another expression. My hypothesis is the head bracket would find the first expression in front of itself and match with it. Then, the corresponding tail bracket will close the statement. This explains why Code 1 works when we have started the head bracket in a new line. The bracket would automatically find the “if” expression and match with it.

However, the “else” expression doesn’t do the same work. When you start “else” in a new line, it wouldn’t find the corresponding “if.” I believe this is not a flaw, but an intentional design. A head bracket always needs another expression, but “else” doesn’t always need “if”, it may match with other expressions, like “else if”. So letting “else” find its own expression would lead to many logic errors.

To test my conclusion, I used the following codes:

Code 6

In Code 6, the highlighted lines are the ones I inserted intentionally for testing. According to our hypothesis, the first head curly bracket in line 9 would find the statement in front of it. This means line 7 would match with line 9. At the same time, the “if” expression in line 3 would match with line 5, as after we give the condition (a > 6), it automatically considers line 5 as the “so what.” This is what happens when we run the codes:

Output 6

Only the first line works! The logic function “if-else” fails as the brackets can no longer find the correct expression. In comparison to Code 2 and Output 2, even though R identify both errors as “unexpected ‘else’,” it is obvious that the problem with Code 2 is the tail bracket while the problem with Code 6 is the head bracket. In addition, line 7 fails to work as line 5. Line 5, the line that is supposed to match with line 7, is now matched with line 3 (as shown by the “+” sign in the output). This means we no longer have a definition for A, so we can’t find it.

This is the end of my main topic. In this blog, we successfully found a problem and established some reasonable conclusions. Of course, these conclusions may be wrong, but the process of identifying and solving a problem was fun for me! When codes fail to run, I believe it is always important to read the error notice to identify the issue. Furthermore, it is also helpful to reflect on and identify the deeper reason that leads to the error.

Works Cited

Adler, Joseph. R in a Nutshell. 2nd ed., Sebastopol, O’Reilly Media, 2012. O’REILLY, http://www.oreilly.com/library/view/r-in-a/9781449358204. Accessed 29 Apr. 2019.

“ifelse.” RDocumentation, www.rdocumentation.org/packages/base/versions/3.5.3/topics/ifelse. Accessed 29 Apr. 2019.

Irizarry, Rafael. “Basic Conditionals.” Edx.org. Lecture.

Initial Data Exploration – Alina

In this blog, I am going to share with you my initial exploration of the data that I collected last month. I am also experimenting with visualizing the data with R, which is a statistical programming language, but we will talk about that another time.

This time, I first looked at the data collected from two sites, US and Chinese, separately. I graphed the data as a line graph. The graphs contained data from all categories of dates – next-day, next-week, next-month, 6/4 (a date far in the future), and 11/1 (a date in the very near future) – as 5 series of lines of different colors. Continue reading

What Makes a Game Great – Dylan

This week we took a break from the technical practice and stepped in to a new realm. What truly makes a game fun to play? In class this week we talked about game design, less about creating a game, and more about designing one. In class we sat and discussed, what made our favorite games special, and what did we dislike about them?

Most people chose series of many games, or a single game that has been updated over several years, which allowed us to discuss our likes and dislikes over time.  People mostly chose well enjoyed series like Animal Crossing or Fallout. I personally chose the Pokemon DS games as well as World of Warcraft (WoW), two very different games. Continue reading

A Failed Attempt – Alina

This past week marks the end of the data collection period of my project. After I figured out how to scrape data generally on websites with simple structures in the last blog post, I had been experimenting with pulling data down from the Expedia website which was way more complex. However, as I tried to do this, I encountered some difficulties. At first, I decided to start experimenting with data that should be easily pulled to see if the code would indeed even work for this site. Therefore, I picked the date of the flight shown on the website. It had the tag class=”title-date-rtv“. I put this value into the code. Continue reading

The Trigonometry of Blasters! – Dylan

Blasters are such a staple to video games. Think back to space invaders, that game is almost completely just a simple blaster that moves side to side. That works great if you only want to shoot in a single direction, but what happens when you would like to aim in a full 360 degrees? Continue reading

Data Collection Continued – Alina

Updated Table

If you remembered from my last blog, my focus in this project has recently been on figuring out a way to scrape data off of the travel websites using code instead of doing it manually since it is indeed a tedious job. Of course, while working on the code, I have also kept with the primitive collecting method since data collection is the objective of this month’s work in my project. So here’s an updated version of my data table: Continue reading

Power-ups! – Dylan

What is the best part of a game to you? The sweet end music? The awesome rewards? Well, for me, it was always power-ups, there is nothing more staple in video games than a power up. I mean, who doesn’t know what a Mario mushroom looks like by 2018? That’s what I have been working on lately, making simple power-ups that make a game feel more alive. Continue reading

Big Bad Code – Dylan

As my class has really jumped into our work, everything has really taken off. We have jumped right in to coding and designing simple “game-like” projects. Our first being a simple maze-like machine in order to practice creating objects and effects. Effects are a lot of fun to work with, not much is quite as satisfying as creating an invisible black hole effect that sucks a marble in.

As you can see there was quite a complex system of parts that were both visible and invisible, allowing for effects that seem to appear out of thin air. This lead to quite a fun element of surprise as the marble was rolling through the maze. Though slightly challenging, that project was quite a lot of fun. Continue reading