Monthly Archives: October 2013

Progress Report – by Emma

As my project has gone along, I have learned quite a few things. Many of them were academic, but a few were about myself as well. The entire experience thus far has been enlightening to say the least, and I can’t wait to continue opening new doors for myself through my personal writing and my classes. Continue reading

Math Independent Research Update — Shuangcheng Du

Since the beginning of the school year, I have divided my time into two parts as I have planned: working on Moody’s paper with math modeling and doing problem solving practices by myself. Overall I think that I am in the place where I planned to be, yet some small adjustments might be needed in the next quarter so that I will be able to complete my original goals at the end of semester one. Continue reading

Meeting with Mentor – by Conor


Being now about halfway through the creation of this project, I had a meeting this past week to touch base in person with my project mentor, Norm Robinson. I am basically half way through my writing, having finished  the first segment of my story detailing a boy’s search for identity growing up in a Turkish immigrant family in Berlin. His part of the story ends with him meeting his main love interest, Lisa, whose story is told in the following part.

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Sports, School and Poetry – by Tristen


With another week of time to write poetry going by comes another week full of school work, important sports games, and required events to fill my time.  This past week I wrote a first draft version of one of the first poems for the book.

After I write my first draft, Habeeb will look it over first.  Once he is done correcting any mistakes and giving suggestions I edit a more final version of the piece.  Then I often send the poem to our advisor, Harve Nichols.  He then repeats the process done by Habeeb.  After receiving a lot of feedback I am able to write a much stronger final draft.  Then Habeeb and I read over it again.  Some poems we have written in this process will not end up in the book, but it is good practice for us to expand our knowledge in writing.  This process creates poems that we find good enough for the book. We will make the final decision on the exact pieces to be included in the book much later on.

Unfortunately with school work and athletics piling up, I am unsure of how much time I will be able to write.  I hope to write at least the start of another piece for our book, and to complete a poem in response to another person’s request for a poem.  With just a little bit to do this week, I can complete another week for this project.

Educational difference – by Eric

Starting from September, I have read through a wide range of information including several books about the general information of Japanese public education and I constantly drew comparison with American education system. Personally grew up in Taiwan, I have experienced Asian education and the pressure that comes with the atmosphere. I found  the information of those in Japan struck a chord with me. High academic expectations, parents’ attitude towards academics and extra curricular activities and etc. Education systems in these two different countries emphasize very different and contrasting things in different level of education.

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Progress so far – by Isabel

I have accomplished a lot so far in my project. I am two pages away from learning all the notes for my piano pieces. I have mastered half of my songs for voice. I have also essentially figured out one dance, and have learned the first minute of my new solo. Already, I have grown so much as a performer in every aspect, but there is still much work to be done. Continue reading

Preparations– by Habeeb

As of now Tristen and I are getting the spoken word club ready for the Friday Assembly taking place November 15th. On the side of all of that, Tristen and I are looking into a Bookstore located in Kennet Square that might have the supplies in order for us to self-publish, when it comes to paper, printing, a cover etc. Continue reading

Progress Update – by Taylor

Thus far, my project is going better than I could have imagined. My mentor, who I place on a pedestal in my mind, has been an incredible supporter and teacher. Every time I try to explain to another person what it’s like to work with him, words can’t even describe my excitement and gratitude. I sometimes even find myself speechless when going over my work with him. Continue reading