Our Students 2016-2017

Ricky, a senior, is studying business and accounting. His goal is to develop a Moody’s Challenge type of business competition for students.

Ria, a senior, is studying India’s partition and will create a short documentary focusing on five events related to partition.

Dex, a senior, is creating a field guide of plants and animals that live in and around Westtown’s lake.

Ainsley, a senior, is painting a mural for the Mary Hutton Biddle Library.

Amaan, a senior, is writing a screen play which she will turn into a film, about her experiences as a student of color at Westtown

Will, a senior, is involved in developing his App including looking for investors and developing a business plan.

Megan, a senior, is working on her next NGO focused on empowering rural women in India.

Will, a senior, is writing a novel set in a post-apocalyptic North America.

Alyssa, a senior, is studying implicit bias and successful intervention methods.

Kevin, a senior, is developing his second APP and working to bring it to market.

Max, a senior, is taking Differential Equations via an online course offered through Yale.

Aidan, a junior, is deepening is work as a creator of music.

Yanwen, a senior, is finishing work she began this summer on a business application called Tracecloud and will shift to developing a website for a local client

Sophie, a senior, is reading literature from 20th century communist Europe and 20th century communist China.

Tom, a senior, is working on understanding Game Theory and implicit bias.

KC, a junior, is researching the sex education policy in Pennsylvania. He will look into best practices for sexual health education and then write legislation to bring to his state representative for consideration.

Henry and India, both seniors, are working together in a sociological study of racism.

Silver, a senior, is studying commercial aviation.