Monthly Archives: December 2015

Week 10 – Final Prints! – Joseph

DSCN8056My final prints of the train are done!  I decided to do a series of prints keeping a consistent, black main image while altering the color of the insert.  I solved the registration problem by building a jig (pictured below) which has served me well.  Basically, I tape a sheet of paper to the top of the jig, ink the first (colored) block, and print.  Then, I lift up the paper keeping it attached to the jig, pull out the first block, substitute it with the second block (black), and print again.  Both blocks are positively aligned against the L shape, ensuring that their placement is consistent and therefore the image is printed correctly.

Sharing Knowledge — Grazer

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Metal Moose circa 2013

As I warned in some of my earlier blog posts, many of my future writing will become increasingly mundane, as my build process shifts away from trial and error to pure production. Despite this, I had an opportunity to be constructive in a different way this week and give back to my peers. 
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One Down, One to Go – LH

Writing my first short story has been, in a word, transformative. As I explained in a previous post, writing made me think about belief and divinity in a completely different way than I had been. One of the most interesting parts was writing the ending. It went through several different stages, the first being a very awkward bit involving a lot of birds and some yelling (trust me, it didn’t work). Continue reading

My First in a While — Cleo

Hi there!

It’s been quite a while since I’ve been able to post anything or get much work done. So please allow this post to mark my official return to the wonderful world of the Mayans and Mesopotamians. Since I’ve been gone, like I said before, I didn’t have much time to work, but I had quite a bit of time to think. So what did I think about? My two stories of course!

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Back at it — Grazer

Aside from my refusal to adopt a consistent naming format for my blog posts, one week it’s Grazer – Ambiguous Title, the other it’s Sorry Excuse — Lukas, my work is beginning to pick up again in a good direction.

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The “Survival,” And Much More… – Roger

My Thanksgiving Break has been terrific, but it also feels great to be back at school and dive into my independent project again while keeping my sneaker business running. October and November have been two of the worst months of Sole Garage, an official name of our brand we came up with a couple weeks ago, due to the crash of the sneaker market and thus the unpredictable fluctuation of sneaker prices. However, we have survived through actively adjusting our business operation. We have also reached to some “veterans” in the sneaker re-sell industry and acquired their advice. Since Thanksgiving week the sneaker market has revived with a consistent increase of the prices of most pairs, and a sense of relieve as well as success has overwhelmed me. In today’s blog post, I will briefly talk about our “adventure” during the last two “dangerous” months, and the progress we have made.

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