Monthly Archives: March 2016


I’ve been doing a lot of lecture summaries recently so for this blog post I’m going to switch it up. Last week I went to my final Model United Nations Conference at Johns Hopkins. I represented Austria in the World Health Organization. The first topic was Infectious Diseases which was interesting but I enjoyed debating about Mental Health much more. Last semester, I researched bipolar disorder and this was the first time I was able to apply my knowledge outside of the Westtown community. I was lucky in my country assignment because Austria is pretty advanced when it comes to mental healthcare so I was able to talk about how I truly felt about the importance of mental healthcare without breaking character.

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Writer’s Block – Week 5 Asha

I’ve been struggling to start my first chapter, let alone write the first three as I previously planned to do. Since an extreme case of writer’s block fell upon me, I decided to look over the works of the greats (other phenomenal writers), and study how they dove into the most important part of the book: the beginning.

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