Monthly Archives: February 2015

Successful Servo Activation & Multiple EMGs – Xan

I succeeded this week in my goal of getting the servo to activate 100% of the time through use of the Muscle Sensor, and was also able to read different muscles independently of one another! Check out the video below (it’s pretty cool!), and read on for more information.

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Grazer — Prototyping — Lukas

Motivated by a slow start last week with CAD software, I have began to explore other options.

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New Code, New Sensors, New Data – Xan

The week started off with my rewriting all of the Arduino and sensor code for the MSK, after forgetting to save and losing the code that I did have. (Not such a big deal, as it was only 30 lines or so that needed to be rewritten.) I rewrote the code to have more features than the old code did, like the ability to write custom angles to the servo, and the ability to modify default values (e.g. Change what angle the servo gets set to if the sensor is triggered.) I also restructured the code to use methods instead of having everything running in the main loop. Ultimately, losing those thirty or so lines was probably a good thing. Of course, I expect that I’ll have to rewrite the code a few more times before the end of this project, whether it’s to allow for the control of multiple servos or to simply remove debug functions.  Continue reading

Week 4 – Liz

This week’s blog post came a bit late because I was on a college visit in Los Angeles from Thursday to Monday. It was nice to get away from the freezing winter on the east coast for a few days, but I might have also missed some opportunities to photograph the beautiful snow. Hopefully I can catch up on some snow time-lapse this week before it melts away! 😀 Continue reading

The Evolution of the Helicopter

This past week was one spent gathering new book sources for my research. I normally do the big chunk of my research on the weekends when I can spend an extended period of time researching helicopters. However, this past weekend I was visiting a college I was accepted to so I only had time to skim through my book sources. I downloaded three books onto my kindle to use for my research on helicopters. Continue reading

Grazer – Big Bots – Lukas

The spindle cover of Westtown’s very own CNC mill


Enter the computer-aided world.

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