Monthly Archives: January 2019

Introducing the Coral Frags into the Tanks – Nick

   Ever since the first semester, there has been a lot of work going on both inside and outside of the classroom. Whether it’s calling Zack, cleaning the tanks, completely emptying and resetting the tank, or even just doing regular water tests. There has also been a lot of roadblocks in the process of setting up the experiment.

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Cognitive Science: An Introduction – Andy

Hello there! My name is Andy Chen, a current Senior at Westtown school. This semester, I plan to take an independent science course to furthers my interests in Cognitive Science. Let’s get started!

So first, what is Cognitive Science?

When Cognitive Science first emerged in the late 1900s, scientists were unsure about its domain: was it “Cognitive Psychology under a new name,” or “an offshoot of artificial intelligence?” (Estes, 1991, p. 282). Continue reading

Medicine in the Late Modern Era in Europe — Yuchen

My research on the history of medicine from the last semester ended on the Renaissance Era and the Early Modern Age. In this new semester, I want to continue to study the advances in medicine along the timeline.

There is one change in format for my future blog posts: instead of covering Asia, the Middle East, and Europe all at once, each blog post will focus on medicine of one region in a certain time period. This new format provides me with more space to conduct in-depth research on medical advancements, important figures, and influence of other academic fields on medicine. In addition to studying history, I also want to reveal the interconnected nature of various disciplines. Continue reading

Abstract Algebra: A NEW Start – Baiting

Retrieved from

In this blog, I would like to briefly review my Fall semester and share my plan for the Spring.

In the past four months, I worked on Differential Equations and its related topics. Through following the MIT Open Course Ware, I learned different methods to solve DEs and their implications in real life.

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An Introduction to my Project

Here’s just a shot of me performing one of my spoken-word pieces.

Hi everyone, my name is Bess Goldstein. This semester I’ll be aiming to learn, cultivate, and create poetry. Whether that be through research of famous poets, attending slam poetry events, or just listening to YouTube videos of spoken-word poetry, my goal for this semester is to learn from the writers around me.

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