Our Students 2015-2016

Writing — Cleo, a sophomore, and Leo, a senior, are writing short stories. Taking inspiration form Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett, they are each researching different world mythologies. As a part of their work, they are also reading Joseph Campbell. The short stories they write will be grounded in these mythologies.

Psychology — Lily and Brandon, both seniors, spent their summer reading through materials on a Yale on-line introduction to psychology course. They will spend this semester doing additional research with a focus on bi-polar disorder.

Visual and Performing Arts/Math and Technology – Lukas, a senior, will continue his Grazer project. He hopes to take what he learned about CAD and CAM and working with the school’s CNC machine and create his Grazer this year. He will also be presenting his work at TECHADVIS in October.

Business and Industry – Randy, a senior, is taking Principles of Finance from Harvard Extension School. He will be blogging about what he is learning.

Entrepreneurship – Roger, a senior, started his own athletic shoe resale business last year. He is concentrating on expanding that and adding a social entrepreneurship aspect to his project.

Math and Technology – Will, a sophomore, is taking a programming course through Harvard Extension School. He looks to take his programming skills to a whole new level.

Visual and Performing Arts – Joseph, a senior, will be exploring aspects of printing this semester. He is working towards entering a wood print into a competition in January.

Writing – Amanda, a senior, writes for a music review blog. She will be giving over more time to this pursuit in her independent seminar.

Visual and Performing Arts – Aidan, a sophomore, creates digital music. He and his mentor will be working towards a polished collection of his own compositions.